The fastest way to travel door-to-door
across Europe, powered by electric.
across Europe, powered by electric.
Lucy is the fastest, most climate friendly way to travel across Europe.
We'll take you to a non-congested regional airport with an electric vehicle.
You'll fly with our electric plane and we will drop you off at your final destination.
Zero emissions. All in one app.
We'll take you to a non-congested regional airport with an electric vehicle.
You'll fly with our electric plane and we will drop you off at your final destination.
Zero emissions. All in one app.

Climate Friendly

We get you from A to B with zero emissions using our cutting edge electric places and vehicles.
Fastest Option

Direct drop-off and pick-up at the hangar by using our network of regional non-congested airports.
All in One App

Simply tell our App where and when you want to go, and it will arrange everything for you with live updates.